STCI Finance Ltd : Product


Capital Market Products

Loan against Shares/Mutual Funds/Bonds (Securities):

STCI offers loans against pledge of acceptable Listed Shares, Mutual Fund units from Open Ended Diversified Equity Funds, Open Ended Gilt Funds and Bonds for various purposes such as investments, working capital needs, CapEx, acquisition of shares by promoters or other general purposes.

Eligibility: Corporates/Individuals
Facility: Term Loan/Line of Credit
Tenure: Short to Medium term

Loan for subscription of IPO/FPO/ Rights Issue:

STCI offers loans to individuals/Corporates for subscribing to IPO/FPO/Rights Issue against the pledge of the underlying shares.

Eligibility: Individuals/Corporates
Facility: One time
Tenure: Upto listing of the IPO/FPO/Rights Issue

Promoter Funding:

STCI offers tailor-made loans to the Promoters of listed companies for various purposes such as creeping acquisitions, investments in existing or new ventures, acquisition of assets and other general purpose. The above loans can be advanced against pledge of acceptable listed shares, mortgage of immovable property or other acceptable collaterals.

Eligibility: Individuals/Corporates
Facility: Term Loan / Line of Credit
Tenure: Short to Medium term

ESOP Finance:

STCI offers loans to individuals holding ESOPs from their employers and wanting to exercise the option against the security of underlying shares / other listed shares.

Eligibility: Individuals
Facility: Term Loan
Tenure: Short to Medium term

Margin Funding:

STCI offers loans to individual clients of Equity Brokers for financing their margin requirements. STCI also offers loans to Equity Brokers for margin funding of their clients. Underlying security will be acceptable listed shares.

Eligibility: Individuals/ Corporate
Facility: Term Loan / Line of Credit
Tenure: Short to Medium term