STCI Finance Ltd : About Us


Board of Directors

Mr. Rajiv Mishra
Chairman and Nominee Director
(Nominee of Bank of India)

Mr. Rajiv Mishra joined Bank of India as an Executive Director on March 01, 2024. He was part of the Leadership Development Program for Senior PSB Management with BBB and IIM Bangalore. He has 24 years of deep and diverse experience across Digital, Analytics & IT, Retail and MSME Credit and Recovery. He spearheaded the digital journey transformation for Union Bank of India, including the launch of their flagship mobile app VYOM. He has occupied multiple leadership positions across the field and verticals. He led the successful business performance of Union Bank of India's largest and critical units viz., Mumbai, Lucknow, Kolkata and Varanasi as Zonal Head and Regional Head. He has also headed Digital, IT & Analytics, Recovery and Liabilities. He has also served on the boards of Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank, Varanasi, UP Industrial Consultant Ltd, established by Govt. of UP, SIDBI & PSBs and UBI Services Ltd.

Ms. Reena Banerjee
Non-Executive Director

Ms. Reena Banerjee has worked in RBI for 33 years, mainly in banking and non banking regulation and banking supervision in central Office, Mumbai. She worked as Chief General Manger in Reserve Bank of India for the period starting from January 2018 to January 2023. Her last stint was CGM, Department of supervision, Central Office where she looked after foreign banks, FIs, Payment Banks and Credit Information Companies. Prior to that she headed Department of Cooperative Bank Supervision. She also worked as Banking Ombudsman for West Bengal and Sikkim. During her tenure in banking and non banking regulation she was associated with many of the significant policy initiatives that occurred at that time. She was associated with several RBI Committees, some as member and others as Secretariat.


Mr.Gopal Singh Gusain
Non-Executive Director

Gopal Singh Gusain is a veteran banker having vast experience in every aspect of banking. He was Executive Director (Whole time Director) on board of Union Bank of India where he looked after Corporate Credit, Foreign Exchange, Treasury, Business Process Transformation. He actively looked after merger of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank into Union Bank of India. As career banker from Punjab National Bank, he worked in various capacities as Chief Credit officer, Chief Risk officer, Chief Compliance officer, Chief Executive (Hongkong operations). He has vast experience in Credit and Risk Management. Shri Gusain was part of team whose name appears as holder of patent filed by PNB for risk models.


Mr. Arun Kumar Mandal
Non-Executive Director

He is an Ex-General Manager of Bank of India with 35 plus years of national and international experience in Large Corporate Credit including Management & Resolution of Stressed Asset of the Bank. He specializes in Financial Appraisal of Large Corporate Credit, Appraisal & Financing of Infra-Structure Projects, International Banking, Management of Stressed Asset of the Bank (SMA/ NPA), Restructuring/Structuring of the debt/ Change in Management, CDR, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process under IBC, Inter Creditor Agreement. He is also a Guest Speaker with IIBF.


Mr. Sidheshwer Patra
Non-Executive Director

Mr. Sidheshwer Patra is a seasoned banker with more than 36 years of experience in Risk Management, Treasury & Investment, Corporate Credit, Retail Credit, Credit Monitoring, Compliance, Audit, MSME Lending, Agriculture Lending, Housing & Mortgage Loans and Retail Liabilities. He retired as Chief General Manager and Chief Risk Officer in Bank of Baroda on 28th February, 2021. Prior to that he was Chief Risk Officer and Head of Treasury, Investment and Funds Raising at Vijaya Bank. He headed Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata Zones as Field General Manager. He has also worked as Head of Credit Monitoring and Asset Quality and Head of Risk Management and Funds Transfer Pricing. He was a nominee director on the Board of M/s. CORDEX. He has been a member of various Committees formed by RBI and IBA in the field of Risk Management and was a Member/ Chairman of several Internal Committees of the Bank. He holds a Bachelor degree in Science, MBA in Finance and Banking and is an M.A in Public Administration with professional qualification of CAIIB, FRM and NCFM.


Mr. Abhijit Bose
Nominee Director
(Nominee of Bank of India)

Mr. Abhijit Bose started his banking career in 1992 and have worked in various geographies including Hong Kong. During the last three decades he has experience in operations, credit including syndication, resolution of stressed assets, trade finance and compliance. As a General Manager he has headed bank’s Eastern India operations from 2018 to 2020. As Group Chief Compliance Officer since July 2020 to December 2022, he was responsible for global regulatory obligations of the bank. Currently designated as Chief General Manager he is overseeing Information Technology, Alternate Delivery Channels, Business Process Reengineering and setting up bank’s Digital Lending Department.


Mr. Nitin G Deshpande
Nominee Director
(Nominee of Bank of India)

Mr. Nitin G. Deshpande has a proven experience of 30 years in all facets of Banking including International Banking. He has been working with Bank of India for more than 28 years. He has experience of working in various departments such as Administration, Forex and all areas of Credit Management; i.e. Agriculture, Retail and Corporate Credit, while progressing through several managerial cadres to the present position of Chief General Manager. After starting his career in Bank of India as a Direct Recruit Officer, he worked in various capacities and at various branches. While his major area of operation is Branch Banking, he has done a stint of over three years as Zonal head of managing 108 branches and over 1100 staffs. He has rich exposure of working over 7 years in overseas markets at Japan, Belgium and France.


Mr. V Narayanamurthy

Mr. V Narayanamurthy is a career Banker with 32 years of operational and strategic experience in IDBI Bank Limited covering retail and corporate banking, project appraisal, corporate planning and policy, human resource, corporate communications, organisation systems and procedures, strategic investments, corporate social responsibilities. He has been Executive Assistant to Chairman and Managing Director of IDBI Bank. He has been Executive Director of IDBI Bank from May 2018. He has done Masters of Financial Management from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute for Management Studies, University of Bombay and is a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.

Details of Resignation/ cessation of Directors:

  1. Mr. Jayant Sinha resigned as Director of the Company with effect from November 11, 2014, pursuant to his assuming charge as Minister of State in the Union Council of Ministers.
  2. Mr. S. Venkateswarlu retired as Managing Director of the Company on the close of business of April 30, 2015.
  3. Mrs. V. R. Iyer has resigned as Chairperson of the Company with effect from June 01, 2015 consequent to her retirement as CMD of Bank of India.
  4. Mr. Ajeet Kumar resigned as Director of the Company with effect from March 29, 2016.
  5. Mr. Yogesh Gaat resigned as Managing Director & CEO of the Company with effect from December 24, 2016.
  6. Mr. Melwyn O Rego resigned as Director of the Company with effect from May 05, 2017 consequent to his appointment as MD & CEO of Syndicate Bank.
  7. Mr. S.K Behera ceased to be Deputy Managing Director and Director of the Company from the close of business of March 28, 2018 consequent to change in nomination by Bank of India.
  8. Mr. K. Narasimha Murthy, Mr. S.Ravi and Mr. T.V Rao ceased to hold office as Independent Directors of the Company on conclusion of their second term on the close of business of September 21, 2019
  9. Mr. T.C.Venkat Subramanian retired at the 25th Annual General Meeting held on September 27, 2019.
  10. Mr. Vivek Wahi, Nominee Director has submitted his resignation vide letter dated 30.3.2021 consequent to his appointment as ED of Central Bank of India.
  11. Mr. Pradeep Madhav stepped down as Managing Director & CEO of the Company and resigned as a Director on the close of business of August 31, 2021 consequent to completion of his tenure as Managing Director & CEO of the Company.
  12. Mr. Melwyn Oswald Rego and Mr. R. Venkataramani retired as Independent Directors of the Company on the conclusion of their first term of three consecutive years at the close of business of September 03, 2022.
  13. Ms. Uma Subramaniam retired as Independent Director of the Company on the conclusion of her first term of three consecutive years at the close of business of November 04, 2022.
  14. Mr. Raghvendra Kumar ceased to be Nominee Director of the Company with effect from January 21, 2023 consequent to change in nomination by Bank of India.
  15. Mr. Bikram Keshari Mishra ceased to be Nominee Director of the Company with effect from June 17, 2023, consequent to change in nomination by Bank of India.
  16. Mrs. Thankom T. Mathew retired as Independent Director of the Company on the conclusion of her second term of five consecutive years at the close of business of September 20, 2023.
Draft Letter Of Appointment Of Independent Directors