STCI Finance Ltd : About Us


Group Companies

Subsidiaries of STCI Finance Limited :

STCI Primary Dealer Limited (STCI PD) :

This company is a a wholly owned subsidiary of STCI Finance Limited established in October 2006 consequent to the hiving off of the Company’s primary dealership businessin line with the Reserve Bank of India guidelines on diversification of business activities by primary dealers. The Company commenced its operations with effect from June 25, 2007 and undertakes trading in government securities, corporate bonds, money market instruments, interest rate swaps and trading in equity (both cash and F&O). The Company also undertakes fee based activities of Portfolio Management Services and Mutual Fund Distribution.

Registered Office:

STCI Primary Dealer Limited:
A/B 1-801, A-Wing, 8th Floor, Marathon Innova, Marathon Nextgen Compound, Off Ganpatrao Kadam marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai: 400013, Maharashtra, India.

STCI Commodities Limited :

This is a wholly owned subsidiary of STCI Finance Limited which provides brokerage, investment and advisory services in Indian Commodities Markets. The Company is a member of two of India’s largest online commodities exchanges namely MCX and NCDEX I in addition to membership in NCDEX Spot Exchange. Recently, the parent Company has taken a policy decision to exit the commodity broking business by sale of this subsidiary.

Registered Office:

STCI Commodities Limited:
Marathon Innova, Marathon Nextgen Compound, Off Ganpatrao Kadam marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai 400013, Maharashtra, India. Tel: (022) 61425 100